Monday, November 26, 2007

Highlights-Top 5 Ridgetop Views in Virginia

The best parts of the Virginia AT are the long stretches of
ridgeline meadows and in-and-out views along ridges and
among peaks.

1-Highlands. Roughly definied as the mountain group just north
of Damascus, there is nothing else like it on the AT. More than
a strip or ridge or summit, this is where everything is up high.
The mountains that make up the highlands form a high plateau
with wide open areas especially from Thomas Knob Shelter to
Grayson Highlands State Park. And don’t forget to bring an
apple for the ponies.

2-Cold Mt.
After a difficult climb, a lovely view of Mt Pleasant
and the entire Priest group is laid out before you with a lovely
ridgetop meadow to enjoy it from. Depending on whether or not
you count Calf Mt, it’s the last bald for the northbound hiker.

3-James River Face. After the disappointment of Apple
Orchard and the floating orb of death on its summit, this is just
what the view-hungry thru-hiker needs. Weaving in and out of
several different summits along a relatively smooth path before finally
wending your way down to the James River.

4-Garden Mt. This one caught me completely off guard during
my thru-hike. What a wonderful surprise to find myself on a bald
ridgetop to be capped off with a stunning view of Burke’s Garden
from Chestnut Knob Shelter.

5-Peters Mt. This one also took me by surprise also although I
found it harder to enjoy since the honeymoon phase for Virginia
was starting to end. Nonetheless there are some lovely high
meadows straddling the Virginia/West Virginia border with good
views into West Virginia.

Honorable Mention-Pearis Mt.

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