Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Dark Side-Top 5 Reasons for Moral Collapse

The high ideals people started out with deteriorate
steadily the closer they get to Washington DC

1-Boredom. Looking at trees might have seemed real exciting in
Georgia. It’s not that exciting now. All the endless ups and downs.
Just give me some pizza, dancing bears, anything.

2-"I Deserve it". Who knows whether you do or not but it sounds
good. To be fair, it is quite an accomplishment to get this far and
rewarding yourself is a good thing but so is humility.

3-Because it’s there. Although it really doesn’t start in earnest
until Shenandoah, more and more services will find their way
closer and closer to the trail. Krispy Kreme in Atkins, pizza
delivery available at Partnership Shelter and so on.

4-Comfort Level. By this time your feeling pretty OK about
being on the trail and have satisfied yourself that you are
sufficiently in touch with nature.

5-Motivation. When confronted with the enormity of the
AT in general and Virginia in particular, it’s tempting to put the
miles ahead of why you’re doing them. You DO need to get there
and Virginia is a great place to pick it up but don’t lose sight
of why you came here.

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